LeBonheur Big Wig Ball | Annesdale Mansion | June 17, 2016

Justin "The Big E" Jaggers at the LeBonheur Big Wig Ball - Annesdale Mansion
For the last few years, DeepBlu Entertainment has entertained the fun-loving guests at the LeBonheur Big Wig Ball. They also always have their very own DeepBlu DJ handling their events, namely our own "Kid Dynomite" Justin Jaggers. This event holds a special place in Justin's heart, especially since he has been a key player in the production of the "Musicians for LeBonheur" music project that has seen local and international acclaim, and has helped raise thousands of dollars for LeBonheur every single year.
The folks at LeBonheur always host this event at Annesdale Mansion, due to its lavish layout and the over-the-top dedication and assistance from our beloved Valerie Bledsoe, who is the big boss in charge of events at Annesdale.
We love giving LeBonheur all we've got every year, and Justin will always be their DJ until he decides to leave Memphis to further his entertainment career - something that we all hope doesn't happen for a while LOL
Thanks to LeBonheur for allowing us to be a part of this great event again this year, and we look forward to many many more years of participation to come! God bless you all for the incredible work you do for the children and our community every single day!