Marissa & Ian Clancy - Memphis Botanic Gardens August 8, 2015

Marissa and Ian were married on August 8, 2015 and I enjoyed their reception with them at Memphis Botanic Gardens. These two are some very vibrant and charismatic people. Marissa is the pretty, very sweet and vivacious person that is quite organized and responsive, and Ian is the happy-go-lucky heavy metal guy with the cool tattoos and infectious smile. Both are amazing people that make one great couple!
Our evening started off with our formal dances with smiles on every face on the dance floor, followed by best man Sean's laugh filled speech (with someone yelling “shut up!” in the middle of it). It was a great way to get the night's festivities started off with a bang! We also played a wide variety of music, including Ian's heavy metal favorites from Metallica and Volbeat (and we all know how much I enjoyed that).
It was an honor to be among so many nice people and have them dancing to such a great variety of music! We ended the evening with our remaining group of people standing in a circle and jamming to “Taking Care Of Business” by BTO, a song requested by one of Ian's family members – and of course the air guitars were flying! Our friend and photographer Russell Hays was there to catch all of the action and splendor, too.
Thanks to Marissa & Ian for making my weekend and having me as a part of their wedding day! I wish nothing but the best for you both!