Olivia & Jacob New | TPC Southwind | April 29, 2016

Jimmy with Olivia & Jacob New - TPC Southwind - Memphis, TN
"It's not gonna rain......it's not gonna rain" - these are the last words Olivia uttered to me as we walked out from our final meeting before her wedding day. She goes on to say, "It's not going to be the end of the world or anything, I just really don't want it to rain." Well, it did rain. As I was driving to TPC Southwind for her and Jabob's wedding, I was concerned that Olivia would be upset that her wish of no rain didn't come true, but I was delighted to see that she was smiling and in really good spirits. For those of us who have worked in the wedding business for a long time, you know that the success or failure of the event starts and ends with the attitude of the bride. Her attitude was HAPPY, so I knew it was going to be a great night!
The folks at Southwind had set up the ceremony area in the front of the building of the club house instead of outside on the lawn, where we had originally planned for it to be. I have to say, I have never done a wedding at Southwind with this type of ceremony set up, but I was very impressed about how nicely it was executed. I give big props to the staff there for pulling this off!
The ceremony was really nice and was made even nicer by Olivia's brother, Hamilton, playing marimba for their ceremony music. Since we were underneath the canopy of the clubhouse, it made the music sound that much better!
Afterward, we moved inside to the main ballroom where Olivia, Jacob and the 150+ people in attendance enjoyed great food, dancing and just all-around fun! It was extra special for me because I got to see some previous clients of ours who were among their guest list along with some other clients who have weddings coming up that we are performing at. Plus, Olivia and Jake's parents were some very nice people who seemed to enjoy themselves as much as everyone else did!
Thanks a BUNCH to Olivia and Jacob for making my evening exciting and for being such good sports about the weather. You guys paved the way for an awesome event, and that's exactly what it was! God bless you both!